Being sober rocks! celebration change low self-worth shame Mar 16, 2024

I've been sober for 80 days 👌🏻 

This is what has changed:

I can look at myself directly in the mirror and love what I see. 12 months ago, I couldn't stand to look at myself I was so ashamed....

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Why you aren't successful. alignment low self-worth perfectionism successful Mar 09, 2024

What does being a success mean to you?

I am going to make an assumption and guess it means something like, getting the best job in your field, having the house, the family, having the best things,...

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Looking in the mirror low self-worth self-loathing shame spiritual awakening Feb 28, 2024

When all you know is self-loathing and negativity, you can feel something is disconnected and unaligned, but you have no idea what it is. It is a state of unawareness and it's like walking around...

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Join me on a journey of self-discovery and self-love.

In my blog I share my personal experiences and flesh out spiritual ideas in an endeavour to understand things on a deeper level and inspire you along the way.

I am wired for deep connection and introspection, so it is an absolute pleasure to share my wisdom and truth with you all.

Thank you for being here, I appreciate you!

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Unmotivated or unworthy?

Apr 07, 2024